Our Boulder and Westminster veterinarians share helpful tips and advice to help keep your pets safe in the event of an emergency situation.

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Symptoms of Poisoning in Cats

Symptoms of Poisoning in Cats

Cats are not frequently affected by poisoning, but it can occur. Our Boulder and Westminster team is dedicated to assisting you in recognizing harmful substances in and around your home, as well as how to tell if a cat has been poisoned.

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How can I tell if my dog has been poisoned?

How can I tell if my dog has been poisoned?

Our veterinarians in Boulder and Westminster are aware that dogs tend to chew on harmful objects. As a responsible pet owner, it is crucial to identify your dog's initial symptoms of poisoning and understand the necessary steps to take if such symptoms are observed.

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Signs of Pain in Cats

Signs of Pain in Cats

As pet owners, you must be aware of the subtle signs that your cat is in pain since cats are known for concealing their discomfort. Our vets in Boulder and Westminster his sharing insights into the symptoms and indicators of pain in cats, along with tips on how you can assist your furry companion.

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How to Help Your Dog Recover After Surgery

How to Help Your Dog Recover After Surgery

You can play an important role in assisting your dog's full recovery after surgery. To help them return to their daily routine as soon as possible, attentive, diligent post-op care is essential. Today, our Boulder and Westminster veterinarians will discuss caring for your dog after surgery.

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PU Surgery in Cats

PU Surgery in Cats

Urinary blockages are a serious concern for cats and have the potential to be life-threatening. If the routine solutions have proven to be ineffective then your vet may recommend surgical correction. In today's post, our Boulder and Westminster vets talk about perineal urethrostomy (PU) surgery in cats and what will happen during your cat's surgery and recovery.

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Ear Hematoma Surgery in Cats

Ear Hematoma Surgery in Cats

While uncommon, your cat may experience injury to its ears that result in hematomas. Today, our Boulder and Westminster vets discuss ear hematomas in cats and everything you need to know about surgery to treat this condition.

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FHO Surgery in Cats

FHO Surgery in Cats

Our Boulder and Westminster veterinary team has found FHO surgery on cats to be a cost-effective and successful method for addressing hip problems. In this post, we will outline the anatomy of feline hips, common issues that can arise, and the details of FHO surgery and recuperation.

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ECG for Cats & Dogs

ECG for Cats & Dogs

In this post, our Boulder and Westminster vets discuss ECGs for dogs and cats, when your vet will order one, and how to understand your pet's results.

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Understanding Blood Tests for Dogs

Understanding Blood Tests for Dogs

Our Boulder and Westminster vets understand that it can be challenging to understand why your pet needs blood testing, and what those results mean. Today, we explain the results of the dog's blood tests.

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Endoscopy for Cats & Dogs

Endoscopy for Cats & Dogs

The goal of a veterinary endoscopy procedure is to pinpoint the underlying cause of symptoms, such as vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss, abdominal pain or swelling, or loss of appetite in pets. Today, our Boulder and Westminster vets explain more about this valuable diagnostic test.

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